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Weekly Afghan Monitor (September 27 to October 4, 2021)

Photo: Afghanistan - Tajikistan border crossing point

September 27, 2021

Economy of Afghanistan on the edge of collapse: Norway

Secretary General Jan Egeland of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has warned Afghanistan’s economy is on the edge of collapse, after the Taliban takeover. “Economy of Afghanistan is going down drastically. Due to lack of cash the banking system could collapse any soon. While speaking to families I’ve been told they are surviving on tea and leftovers of old bread,” Jan Egeland Secretary General of NRC said during a visit to Kabul on September 27. (Gandhara) (KHAAMA PRESS) (Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)) (Independent Press)

Italian FM says Taliban Recognition is Impossible for Them

The foreign minister of Italy Luigi Di Maio expressed denial from recongnizing the newly Taliban government in Afghanistan. He said that 17 acting ministers among the ministers are declared terrorists. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Statesman) (Aljazeera) (Reuters)

Afghan Businesswoman to close her business in Kabul

Nilab is an Afghan businesswoman in Kabul, who is running a women driving training center. But she plans to close the center as woman are attending the training anymore. The center is active for the last one year. Ms Nilab says no woman or girl has attended the center in the past month. (KHAAMA PRESS)

September 28, 2021

Afghan Working Women demands US to Unfreeze Assets

During a press conference held in Kabul, Afghan professional and working women asked United States of America to give back their billions of dollars, which were freeze US after Taliban takeover in Kabul. These professional women were include teachers, health workers etc. They said they need to be paid their salaries soon for that Afghanistan needs financial support and recognition. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

Afghan Taliban to implement King Zahir Shah Constitution

Afghan Taliban current setup is going to implement a 57 years old constitution, said by the acting minister of Justice Abdul Hakim Sharaee. The constitution was first ratified by King Zahir Shah. After the fall of Taliban rule in 2001 and subsequent Karzai government had also initially use the same constitution. Anyhow the minister has clarified that the constitution will be used temporarily during their interim government. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Mashriq Vibe)

Turky will not engage with Taliban until establishment of inclusive setup: Erdogan

Turkish president Recep Tayyib Erdogan has said that the current Taliban setup is not inclusive therefore turkey is not going to engage in Afghanistan. Turkey will hold back all its engagements and activities in Afghanistan until and unless the Taliban bring an all-inclusive government in the country. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

Baradar accuses Tajikistan of interfering in Afghanistan

During in an interview with Aljazeera Mullah Ghani Baradar, a deputy to Prime Minister said that Tajikistan is interfering in the affairs of Afghanistan, though he did not point out any specific issue or action in this respect. He furthered that it is quite natural that there is a reaction to every action. Therefore Afghanistan will react to and stop the above mentioned interference. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

September 29, 2021

Uzbekistan, Turkey to resume flights to Kabul

Flights from Tashkent and Istanbul will reach to Kabul by September 30. These will be the first commercial flights to Kabul from the mentioned to internal cities after the Taliban takeover, while India is yet to decide the resumption of the flights to Kabul. The Taliban government in Kabul has already requested Indian government to resume their commercial fights to Afghanistan. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Times of India)

Taliban say government will salaries to its employees

According to Taliban claim they have paid salaries to the employees of five ministries including education, higher education, public health, finance and the central bank. The Taliban have said that they are developing a mechanism through which they will pay salaries to government employees un-interruptedly in future. During a press conference on 29th September, Abdul Salam Hanafi, deputy of Prime Minister has also said that they are making a commission for addressing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI) (Opera News)

US Drones Fly illegally over Afghan Airspace: Taliban

The Taliban say that US drone is flying over the airspace of Afghanistan which is violation of the international law. They said in a statement that they would not approve US occupation of Afghan Airspace. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes that US has illegally using the airspace of Afghanistan which has no right to use the space without the approval of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. (KHAAMA PRESS)

Former officials to continue Ashraf Ghani’s government in Exit

Those officials who were fled from Afghanistan have announced the continuation Ashraf Ghani’s government in exile. In a statement released by Afghan embassy in Swiss reads that Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is still the legitimate government of the people of Afghanistan which cannot be replaced by any other [illegitimate] setup. (KHAAMA PRESS)

September 30, 2021

Pakistan will allow Afghans to cross at Torkham without gate pass

Mansoor Ahmad Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to Kabul mentioned that Afghans will cross through freely at Torkham border point, as Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered to elimination gate for Afghans. The decision has been made by Imran Khan’s cabinet after receiving complaints of extortion at the border crossing point. (KHAAMA PRESS)

Over $300 million humanitarian aid for Afghan people by EU

President of the European Union Ursula Von der Leyen announced allocation of 348.2 million dollars in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. She made the announcement on her tweeter handle while posting that the EU is standing by the people of Afghanistan, while the EU commissioner for crisis management Janez Lenarcic has said that they have delivered 32 tonnes of humanitarian aids to Afghanistan. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Pajhwok Afghan News)

Humanitarian aid by China reaches in Kabul

Chinese humanitarian aids’ first consignment arrived to Kabul on 29th of September. The aid was submitted to Khalil-ur-Rahaman Haqqani, the acting minister of the refugees and repatriates. The ministry will distribute the relief among the people. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Pajhwok Afghan News)

October 2, 2021

ISIS affiliates were killed and arrested by Taliban in Province of Parwan

Taliban claimed that they have killed ISIS in Charikar city of Parwan province during a raid on their safe haven on Friday, 1st October, though ISIS members have not commented yet on the claim. The claim has been confirmed by Bilal Karimi that raid took place after ISIS fighters have attacked Taliban members in the province. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI) (India TV)

Deployment of Taliban suicide bombers on Afghanistan’s borders

Mullah Nasir Ahmad Ahmadi, deputy governor of Badakhshan announced during a press conference that they have created an exclusive division of suicide bombers which will be deployed on the borders of Afghanistan – particularly in regions of the mentioned province. Badakhshan province is located in the northeastern side of the country which is bordering with Tajikistan and China. Deputy governor told further that the division/battalion is named as Lashkar-e-Mansoori “Mansoor army”. (KHAAMA PRESS) (NDTV)

Afghan Taliban to facilitate talks between TTP and Pakistan: Imran Khan

During his recent interview with TRT Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan expressed that Afghan Taliban are willingly facilitating talks and negotiations between Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and government of Pakistan. Mr. Prime Minister furthered that the peace talks are going to take place in Afghanistan, that’s why Afghan Taliban are going to play their role. While on the other TTP local commander in North Waziristan has admitted the cease fire for three weeks. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Dawn) (Pakistan Defence) (The New York Times)

TTP denies Pakistani government claim of peace talks

Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has denied the claim of Prime Minister of Pakistan that they are going to have peace talks with government of Pakistan. The claim of peace talk was reported in by Pakistani media. Although Afghan Taliban has not commented on the claim but TTP denied it straight away, along with the claim of ceasefire with the government of Pakistan in North Waziristan. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Gandhara)

October 3, 2021

Blast in Eidgah Mosque killed two in Kabul

Senior Afghan Taliban office has said that at least two Afghan civilian have been killed in an explosion which took place near the entrance of Eidgah Mosque in Kabul. The bomb was exploded when people were offering ceremonial prayer of mother of a Taliban commander. (Gandhara) (Aljazeera) (Geo News)

Taliban Takeover ended up in closure of 70% Afghan media outlets.

National Association of Journalists (NAJ) in Kabul held that 70% of media outlets have closed and stopped their work since the Taliban takeover. The association furthered that one of the major of this closure is financial problems. This information have been shared by NAJ during a press conference in Kabul on Sunday. The association told that they have collected the data through an online survey for the purpose, in which 1500 Afghan journalists took part in 28 provinces of Afghanistan.(KHAAMA PRESSS) (The Hindustan Times)

A Journalist and 3 other gunned down in Nangarhar

Mr. Sayed Maroof Sadat, lecturer and journalist has been gunned down by unknown gunmen in the Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province. There were three more civilian who were killed in the attacked. Mr. Sadat was a well-known journalist and lecturer of journalism. The Eyewitnesses have told that Sadat’s son has also been critically wounded in the incidents. The people have held ISIS responsible for the shooting, however Taliban officials have not commented on the issue yet. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Anadolu Agency)

October 4, 2021

Taliban destroyed ISIS-K safe haven

According to reports, Afghan Taliban conducted an operation in Police District 17 and destroyed a hideout of Khorasan branch of ISIS. The reports have been confirmed by locals who have witnessed light of shooting and heavy weapons along with two explosions in the area. The operation took place after Kabul mosque (Eidgah mosque) attack on Sunday which was claimed by ISIS. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Gandhara) (Reuter)

Taliban killed a man fleeing to Tajikistan

Reports have said that an afghan man was killed by Afghan Taliban when he was trying to flee to Tajikistan on the border point, while detained another man on the same border. A source told to RFE/RL in Ishkashim, a city of Badakhshan on borders Tajikistan that the incidents occurred the previous day. (Gandhara) (RFE/RL)

Rearming Tajik Militants in Afghanistan

Taliban Said To Have Rearmed Tajik Militants And Moved Uyghur Fighters From Chinese Border

According to sources around 200 Tajik militants are based along the border of the two countries, who have, now, sophisticated weapons and vehicles. The sources told that Afghan Taliban equipped them with the weapons. The militants are based on both sides of the Afghan-Tajik border. (Gandhara) (Pakistan Defence)