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Weekly Afghan Monitor (October 11 to October 17, 2021)

October 11, 2021

Humanitarian issues should not be linked to political

On October 10 Taliban foreign minister in a public statement announced to have successful talks with US in Doha, Qatar. The talks were about the implementation of the Doha agreement. The two-days talks heighted humanitarian situations in Afghanistan where Taliban urged US not to link humanitarian issues with political issues. According to the statement US committed to give humanitarian aid to the Afghan people, irrespective to political differences between the two. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The News) (The Express Tribune)

Potential threat to US, UK citizens based in Kabul

On the basis of potential threat to citizens of US and UK who are based in Serena Hotel in Kabul, they are instructed to leave the country. United State department of state and British foreign minister alerted their citizens to leave Kabul as the ISIS-K can attack them. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Dawn) (The Hindustan Times)

Flights from Afghanistan are banned by Pakistan

The private airline, Kam Air, has said that Pakistan banned flights from Afghanistan to Pakistan – until the next announcement. According to officials of the airlines this suspension is for time being, though there is no official comment on the issue from Pakistan’s government’s side. (KHAAMA PRESS) (AVA)

US claims to have professional talks with Taliban

US officials have said that the recent talks with the Afghan Taliban in Doha were honest and professional. It is the first ever face-to-face talks between US and Taliban since they took Kabul. According to Ned Price, Spokesperson department of State the bilateral talks were covered all important issues including terrorism and security, safe passage of US citizens and others, human rights. The condition of human rights remained in focus during the talks where participation of women and girls in all walks of Afghan society discussed. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Aljazeera) (Dawn)

Iran wants to provide humanitarian aid to victims of kunduz blast

In a twitter post Iranian embassy in Kabul said that they would provide humanitarian aids to the victim of the Khan Abad mosque bomb explosion. According to the embassy a plane full of aids would be sent to Kunduz province where these aids would be distributed among the family of the dead and wounded in the blast. The embassy furthered that the humanitarian aid should include health materials, medicines etc. (KHAAMA PRESS)

Imran Khan says that Taliban must be supported by US

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan warns that the humanitarian issues will result in more complex situation. In such a grave humanitarian crisis US has no other option but to support Afghanistan, otherwise state in Afghanistan will fail. Mr. Imran Khan said this in an interview with Middle East Eye on Monday, 11th October 2021. He said unless the US takes the initiative, there might be chaos in Afghanistan. He furthered that Pakistan is worried that the chaotic situation in Afghanistan will affect the neighbors too. (KHAAMA PRESS)

October 12, 2021

Taliban’s cabinet makes important decisions

During ministerial meeting in on Monday 11th October 2021, the ministers made important decisions in political, economic and security and other key issues. The meeting held in Presidential Palace and chaired by Taliban Prime Minister Muhammad Hassan Akhund. According to the statement released after the meeting reads that Taliban should provide security to ministers, government workers and traders. (KHAAMA PRESS)

Italy to host G20 summit on Afghan crisis

Since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan various crisis emerged and increasing day after another. Keeping in view the humanitarian and security crisis Italy is ready to host special summit of group 20 (G20) on Tuesday 12th of October. The meeting will be held online. The meeting will be attended by US president Joe Biden, Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi, and other EU members of the G20. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Reuters) (Dawn) (Aljazeera)

Taliban are expecting meeting with EU envoys in Doha

The Taliban foreign minister Amir Khan Motaqi said that a delegation of European Union (EU) representations will meet them in Doha on Tuesday, 12th of October. Amir Khan Motaqi said has said that Taliban are willing to have friendly relations with all of the countries in the world. For the same purpose, acting foreign minister said, he had meetings with representatives of MPS of Germany and British. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The News)

UN warns Afghan economic collapse

The secretary-general of United Nations (UN) Antonio Guterres said during a media talk, in UN headquarter, that international community should not be too slow to engage Afghanistan. The country is too weak economically that it could be collapse if the world’s community did not come forth to support it. The Secretary-General also told that the support money can be entered Afghanistan with the help of NGOs and UN. Mr. Antonio Guterres said that UN is sorting out to assist the 18 million Afghans in humanitarian help. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

October 13, 2021

Bush Market or Mujahideen Bazar

According locals the shopkeepers of the Bush Marker in changed its name to Mujahideen Bazar in Kabul. It is not clear whether the shopkeepers changed the name by themselves to attract the people/buyers of Taliban made them to, but shopkeepers can be seen in the photos when they are replacing the name-board. (KHAAMA PRESS) (TOLO News)

Poor rule of law condition in Afghanistan: Says WJP

According to the World Justice Project (WJP) latest statistics Afghanistan has been ranked 134th out 139th countries in rule of law condition. The statistics further revealed that Afghanistan is 6 out of 6 in the South Asia while 17 out of 18 among low-income countries. (KHAAMA PRESS) (World Justice Project)

US changed envoy for Afghan refugees

The newly appointed special envoy to Afghanistan Elizabeth Jones would be responsible for relocation and resettlement affairs in Afghanistan. She a season diplomat and will be focused on the issues related to the US’s efforts in facilitation the relocation and resettlement in US of Afghan citizens. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Dawn)

Humanitarian aid of Iran arrives in Kunduz

Iranian humanitarian aid arrived in Kunduz province on 13th October. The plane boarded with aid reached in province to distribute the aid among the victims of the recent blast in KhanAbad port. Taliban official thanked Iran for the humanitarian aid to the families of victims and the wounded of the explosion. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

G20 summit and Afghanistan

Representatives of G20 in a special summit agreed to support Afghanistan in humanitarian crisis. The meeting hosted by Italy held on 12th of October. Members of the G20 guaranteed to speed up aid and support to Afghanistan in its vulnerable situation of the country. (KHAAMA PRESS) (BBC)

October 14, 2021

Syrian and Iraqi militants entering Afghanistan: Putin

Vladimir Putin, Russian president said on 13th October that militants are entering into Afghanistan which makes situation difficult. Putin in virtual conference said the ISIS fighters are real threat but they are not taken seriously by the Taliban. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Hindustan Times) (ANI)

October 15, 2021

Kandahar blast caused 150 causalities

Three bomb explosions took place in Imam Barga mosque of Kandahar killed 40 and wounded more than 90 people on 15th of October. According to sources the three suicide bombers entered into the mosque after killing the security guards and exploded. All the worshipers in the mosque were shia muslims. None of the militant groups has taken responsibility of the blast yet. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Reuters)

Afghan footballers leave Afghanistan

According to Qatar’s deputy foreign minister and spokesperson of the ministry Lolwah Rashid al-Khater has said in statement that hundred Afghan male and female footballers left Kabul for Qatar. The country is receiving eighth fight from Kabul. Among 357 people who have arrived in Qatar, 20 are Afghan female footballers. These footballers have been evacuated by Qatar after having agreement with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association). (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Hindustan Times)

October 16, 2021

PIA, Kam Air and Ariana resumed flight from Kabul to Pakistan

After a trilateral meeting Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Afghanistan’s Kam Air and Ariana Airlines has resume flights from Kabul to Islamabad. The announcement was made when Afghan minister of transport and civil aviation met Pakistan’s embassador to Kabul and the authorities of the three mentioned airlines. The flights were suspended when the airlines were warned by Taliban administration for high and illogical fares. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

Khorasan (ISIS-K) claimed responsibility for Kandahar mosque attack

Khorasan (ISIS-K) through it telegram channel claimed responsibility of the 15th October bomb blast in Imam Bargah mosque of Kandahar. According to their telegram two of ISIS-K suicide bombers conducted the attack on shite mosque on last Friday. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI) (France 24)

US released Afghan prisoner from Guantanamo

The US defense minister said that the recently released prisoner from Guantanamo bay is Asadullah Haroongul who was the only left Afghan in the jail. He said that they have released two prisoners, the other one was Sanadi Salaam Al-Kazzimi a Yemeni citizen. Asadullah Haroongul was arrested in 2007 as a leading extremist group member but now he has shown regret for what he did. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The New York Times)

US to pay condolence money to Kabul drone victim family

Department of Defense (DOD) of United States of America has announced paying condolence money to the family that was hit by drone in Kabul. The family will be relocated – said DOD. The drone was attacked a family in Kabul on 29th of August killing 10 people, including seven children. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Express Tribune) (The Times of India)

UN says Taliban will allow girls to Schools

According to Deputy Head of the UNICEF Omar Abdi said that Taliban has already assured that they will allow girls to go to secondary and high schools. Mr. Omar Abdi said this in press conference in New York. UNICEF said that Taliban will reopen schools in all provinces of Afghanistan in two months. (KHAAMA PRESS) (Dawn) (Geo News)

October 17, 2021

ISIS warned to target Shi’ite

Khorasan or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threatened that they will target Shi’ite Muslims everywhere in Afghanistan. ISIS Al-Naba weekly has published the threat a day after Kandahar mosque attack on Shi’ite. They have added that Shi’ite are supporting Iran which is against ISIS-K. (KHAAMA PRESS) (ANI)

India hosts NSA meeting on Afghanistan

A National Security Advisors (NSA) level meeting has been proposed by India in New Delhi, which will discuss security situation of Afghanistan. The meeting will be attended by representatives of China, Russia and Pakistan. The NSA level meeting will be held in 10th -11th of November. Pakistani NSA Yusuf Moeed has also been invited by India. (KHAAMA PRESS) (The Hindustan Times)