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Taliban Internal Communication System and Relations with Pakistan

Internal communication of Taliban is important for all of regional states and local non-state actors. The mode and level of communication between political leadership of Taliban and the foot soldiers that are deployed, these days, for border control and policing in Afghanistan will largely determine the Taliban’s capacity for governance and international relations.

Afghan Taliban – along with other common people – removed Pakistan flag from a truck carrying humanitarian aid to Afghanistan under “Pak-Afghan Cooperation Fund”. It happened on Torkham border point on Sunday 19th September 2021, when the truck crossed into Afghanistan. They were chanting “Allah-o-Akbar” (God is Great) and said that the flag should be burned [to show their hatred and anger].

This whole scenario came forth on social media in a viral video where activists shared their thoughts and opinion on the video while criticizing the Pakistani government’s claims of “cooperation” with Taliban current setup.

Opinions on the video were divided into three visible poles: the people in Pakistan were criticizing Pakistan government for supporting (morally and strategically) Taliban in Afghanistan and the confidence on good relations shown at the arrival of Taliban in power. They were urging Pakistan’s government to stop any aid; while Afghans, both living in Afghanistan and in diaspora, believe that preferring Taliban over Ashraf Ghani government was proven to be a wrong decision. They say that Talibananization will have a blowback on Pakistan at the end.

Both of the above mentioned opinions are based on people’s emotions and unverified judgments. Pakistan needs to keep sending humanitarian aid to the Afghans for maintaining the claim of well-wisher of Taliban. Afghan Taliban is yet to confirm guarantee for Pakistan’s strategic partnership in the region.

A third opinion came on surface after the video according to which Taliban foot soldiers have their own priorities and liking which might not be in sync with the political leadership of Taliban. But keeping the religious motivations in consideration, the foot soldier – by design – cannot separate his path from the Amir (leaders). They could not do that even in time of war and crisis then why would they do that now while they are in government setup.

However, the above are the popular opinions but to understand a more logical reason one needs to understand the system and mode of the communication between the political Taliban and fighters Taliban. A militant group cannot even survive without a technically smooth designed internal communication system. It is a big question mark that whether Taliban has a strong internal communication system or not? Whether they had one during their war times or not? Besides the above mentioned three opinions, there can be a fourth one – which says that may be Taliban had internal communication system in war time which is disrupted due to the surprisingly sudden occupation.

The post-takeover execution of some people and war-crimes in Punjsher contributes to suspicions regarding poor internal communication among Taliban. Time will tell whether the Taliban will be able to develop internal communication for peace like situation and for governance.