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Political Mobilization and Connectivity of Youth Activists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3-Day Capacity-Building Training

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Political Mobilization and Connectivity of Youth Activists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

3-Day Capacity-Building Training

The three-day capacity-building training titled “Political Mobilization and Connectivity of Youth Activists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” was held in Peshawar on July 23, 2024, organized by the Centre for Regional Policy & Dialogue (CRPD). Twenty-five young men and women from various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including the merged and adjacent districts, participated in the training. The training comprised a variety of activities, including interactive lectures, group activities, experience sharing, and introductions.

The lectures aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of social and political activism, emphasizing a strong federation, diversity, and pluralism. Group activities were designed to highlight the importance of political alliances for these goals and foster connections among social and political activists.

During the three-day event, participants attended lectures on peace processes, violence, and non-violent resistance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the 19th and 20th centuries. These topics were covered in sessions led by Dr. Khadim Hussain, which included a case study on the transition and transformation of the Khudai Khidmatgar Tehrik of Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan (Baacha Khan).

Political parties and political representation were also key topics, covered through lectures and group activities by Mr. Mehran Wazir. These sessions introduced participants to the organizational structure, communication systems, and manifestos of political parties. Mehran Wazir facilitated introductions and experience sharing among participants, helping them find commonalities to strengthen connectivity.

The training also provided activists with essential skills for their activism, professional, and financial endeavors. Sessions included writing and communication skills, proposal writing, e-commerce, and digital marketing. The proposal writing session was conducted by Mr. Nawabzada, a professional proposal writer with vast experience, while Mr. Mansoor Shah, a practitioner running a firm, led the session on e-commerce and digital marketing.

Participants actively engaged in the sessions and group activities on various themes, impressively presenting their work to the audience. At the end of the training, certificates were distributed among the participants. The attendees not only showed enthusiasm during the sessions but also shared their thoughts and experiences on social media.


Report, Training 2 (2024) Peshawar_compressed


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