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Weekly – Security – NMDs Monitor (November 29, to December 7, 2021)

November 29, 2021

Allegation of Quran Desecration Invited Riots in Charsadda

Protest against the allegedly burning of Quran turned into a violent riot when locals of tehsil Tangi of Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, destroyed the police station. Protesters burned down almost everything in the said police station. They also destroyed four posts and many police residential quarters on Sunday. According to the sources the person allegedly involve in the mentioned desecration of Quran is mentally ill. (Dawn) (ANI) (Pakistan Defence)

Lt Gen Faiz Hameed visit to North Waziristan

During his to North Waziristan Lt Gen Faiz Hameed has ensured to the people that establishing peace and prosperity of the area is his priority number one. While addressing the tribes’ elders he indicated the forthcoming uplift schemes for the area which would bring development and prosperity to the district. This is his first visit to a district of the newly merged districts (NMDs) after assuming the charge of corps commander in Peshawar. (Dawn) (The News) (The Frontier Post)

November 30, 2021

Charsadda police arrested 40 protesters over Quran desecration riots

Mob protesters destroyed police station over Quran disrespecting case, resultantly they had to be encountered with teargas shelling and baton charge to be dispersed. Police arrested some 40 people among the protesters. In the beginning the mob was out of control but later on police got successful in dispersing them. The protest took place at Mandani Chowk when a new spread around that a local of area disrespected and burnt down Quran. (Dawn) (The News)

December 1, 2021

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet approved child protection bill

Cabinet of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly on Tuesday agreed upon the draft Child Protection and Welfare (Amendment) Act, 2021. The cabinet removed the clause according to which video of the execution of the convict of sexual assault against children, will be made public. The mentioned clause has already been declared as controversial. (Dawn) (The Express Tribune) (The News)

December 3, 2021

Protest against police action

According to Dawn a jarga called for a peaceful protest and shutter down strike on Saturday against the police action protesters. The jarga declared that the mentioned action was brutal when police miss-handled the protesters on Monday in connection with the Mandani incident of Quran disrespect case. (Dawn) (The News) (Opera News)

December 4, 2021

India will send aid to Afghanistan through Pakistan

Pakistan allowed on Friday India to use Pakistan soil for sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, but on the condition that the aid will be transported in Afghan trucks from Wagah boder to Torkhan. According to FO spokesman Asim Iftikhar the decision was conveyed to the charge d’Affaires of India at the ministry of foreign affairs. Both the country could reach at this agreement when the Tomas Niklasson, European Union’s envoy to Afghanistan, urged both Islamabad and Delhi to resolve problems regarding the transportation of Indian humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. (The Indian Express) (Dawn) (The News)

Growing suicide incidences among Chitrali women

During a counselling session arranged by the Chitral Rural Support Program participants mentioned the alarming growth in the suicide incidents among Chitrali women. The participants discussed the distressing situation and called it of great concern. (Dawn)

December 6, 2021

Security personnel injured in North Waziristan blast

A security personnel has been injured in a bomb blast in Spin Wam Tehsil of Mirali sub-division of North Waziristan. Official sources revealed that the blast took place in Ziarat area which was cordoned off by the security forces. Saqib Gul, the injured official was reportedly taken to hospital. According to reports security forces launched a search operation in the area after the blast. (Daily Mashriq)

Daily wagers and porters are complaining about restrictions at Torkham border point

According to Ibrahim Shinwari, a local reporter for Dawn news, the earning of local porters and daily wagers on Torkham border is alarmingly drop down during these days. While quoting Mussawir Khan, a 15 years old local porter, said that his earning dropped from Rs1200 to Rs200 per day after the prevailing restricting on their cross-border movement as a daily wager. (Dawn) (Opera News)

December 7, 2021

Jarga held in Kohat for Pak-Afghan harmony

A Jarga organized by a local NGO, Karwan-i-Ammal in Kohat passed a resolution on Monday for the better future of Pak-Afghan youth. The participants of the Jarga were elders among Afghan refugee in Kohat and the local community. The Jarga vowed to maintain harmony among Afghan refugees and the local community in the area. The participants of the gathering promised to promote peace and love between the mentioned communities. Participants discussed that Afghan youth deserve better future in Kohat and they should work together for them. (Dawn)